Is it allowed to highlight, the ayahs in the Quran?

Hi. I just made tawbah a few days ago and began my reading of the Quran. I’m both reading Arabic and English tafsir. Is it allowed to highlight the Arabic and the English Ayahs in the Quran in terms of learning and understanding the Quran better?

An example

Verse – highlighted
Notes: This verse is highlighted in red, because it is about hell fire. Furthermore, in this verse, God tells us…………… Which means ………………… .

Verse – highlighted
Note: This verse is in yellow because I don’t understand it.

And so on, Is it forbidden to highlight? If yes, who said that? What is the proof? Was it the scholars or the prophet PBH?

Assalamualikum brothers,i am a 16 years old Muslim boy. After 1 month of getting hidayat i am facing several mental health issue and issue related Islam and abnormalities in life.I need Someone who can listen my problems and give me solution or Answears. My problems are not so silly such:my gf had tell me this this things, she gonna leave me after 2 months that’s why i am depressed. My problems are extremely unique, abnormal and different. Please help me someone.From 2 years, i suffering with it. I am losing my deen and duniya for it.Please. Someone help me.Is anyone agree to save my life??

How can you find a partner without being able to even touch hands?

Asalaam, I’m just wondering as to how you can find a good wife, without even being able to touch a woman who isn’t mahram?


It was narrated that Ma’qil ibn Yassaar said: the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “For one of you to be stabbed in the head with an iron needle is better for him than that he should touch a woman who is not permissible for him.”


I’m wondering as to how you can find a good partner in todays day and age without even being able to touch them, not going as far as sex, but just touching. I mean, a partner would ideally be there for life, and be able to provide for and raise your children as well as have a permanent connection with you. Under the pretense that you cannot touch them, is it not the same as marrying a total stranger that you’d only be able to know through a brief conversation and vouches from family members? If so, it’s very easy for them to lie or have a concealed bad intention. Why can’t you get to know them personally before you mate for life, and then be completely comfortable with your decision of marriage?

I’m not questioning the hadith or the ruling, I’m just asking as to why it exists and the context behind it – and a solution to the problem I just explained. Also I’m not really aware as to how you marry someone, other than meeting {her} father and having a monitored interview as well as your female family members getting to know her. 



What does this hadith regarding garments and Friday prayers mean?

I came across this hadith, and would like to know what is meant by this hadith, insha’Allah, as I do not understand.

Narrated Muhammad ibn Yahya ibn Habban: The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: What is the harm if any of you has two garments, if he can provide them, for Friday (prayer) in addition to the two garments for his daily work?

Sunan Abi Dawud 1078

May Allah bless whoever’s reading this, with goodness.

What to do if I am unable to go to the Mosque every Friday?

I haven’t been to the Mosque since October and well I really can’t cause it’s 30 minutes to drive there and so I don’t have a license so I don’t drive so it’s a 12-hour walk. Anyway, I wish I could go every Friday and actually worry cause when I did go in I only stayed a couple of minutes and left cause I didn’t know what to do and then I found you have to touch feet which I felt kind of shy about that. But now I am kind of worried how they will see me the next time I come cause I haven’t been there in months.

What does Quran or Hadith say about Muslims who are oppressed?

I know being a martyr is like being killed in the case of persecution because of your belief you are a martyr.

But what if you are oppressed but you aren’t killed but still being persecuted such as being imprisoned for your beliefs or like what is going on in China where they do indeed imprison people who are Muslim?

I had recently been oppressed for my beliefs and had to spend from Saturday to Tuesday in a psychiatric hospital because police said I was a supporter of Hamas and I wanted to kill Christians and Jews which is something I’ve never even said. But they took me to the hospital and then they put me to the psychiatric hospital on the basis of being homicidal. They said I said these things over Reddit which most of the time I spend on Reddit is talking about Islam I’ve had open respectful discussions with both Jews and Christians on Reddit and have never wished them harm but even then when police go like you did say things you never said and their not willing to even take things for context they come after you.

All of it makes me wonder if that time wasted of my life actually will bring some good. It actually gave me a reason to take Islam way more seriously.

What’s a good gift for a convert?

Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu,

Alhamdulilah, my friend recently reverted to Islam and I wanted to gift them something. I got them a book titled, “What Everyone Should Know About Islam and Muslims” by Suzanne Haneef. I also want to make something for them from hand, something I can do at home. Are there any ideas? Preferably, something beneficial

Is having nihilistic viewpoints haram?

Hi, I wanted to ask a question since no matter what I searched on internet, I still didn’t find an answer. So, I’ve recently gotten into Islam and started practising it. Truth is I’ve always been a Muslim but only in name since I never prayed or knew anything about Islam, because no one around me did either. Now I’m 16 and I wanna learn about Islam as much as I can but I don’t have anyone around me who can teach me so I’m trying to learn on internet. I’ve discovered that I have nihilistic views on life. As we know, nihilism is believing that this life has no meaning, but to me purpose and meaning are two different things. My purpose in this life is to be a good Muslim who’s deserving of Jannah, but when it comes to the meaning of life then I don’t think that this life has any meaning. I mean, we’re all gonna die anyways and this world is just a lie. No one’s gonna remain on it forever, right? That’s why if something bad happens then I don’t really care because I’m one of many billions of people in this world, so why care? Is this thinking of mine haram? 

What’s the ruling on democracy

I saw an article on that talked about democracy ( They said that it’s shirk to take part in this. Is it kufr to vote in elections? Or does it depend on one’s intentions? If somebody preferred democracy are they apostates even if they didn’t know it was against islam? I’m really worried because it was only today that i found out that it’s wrong. 

Is this scenario mocking the quran?

Today I went to watch a stage play/drama and in one of the scenes a person is portraying a black magician or something like that…and he was acting as if he’s doing “black magic” and started mumbling some surah. He was not reciting it correctly, instead he was mumbling random stuff and in the end of each sentence he would recite the last part of each ayat correctly. This was done for ‘comedy’ and the audience was laughing as well. But i was feeling uneasy the whole time. Were they intentionally or unintentionally mocking the quran? Would it be kufr?

A dream about falling from the sky

I saw a post on instagram which said that if you saw a dream where you were falling from the sky it meant that you will die soon. They didn’t post any reference/source for what they said but I got kinda scared after reading that even though I haven’t dreamt of anything like that yet, Alhamdulillah. But I want to know if it’s true? Are their really such dreams that can warn you of death?

Can waswas come in form of doubts?

If a person is suffering from waswasa/ocd can they get doubts about religion that are not really coming from them but instead it’s shaitaan making them feel like this? Can it come in form of feelings/doubts instead of whispers or thoughts?

Breaking an oath unintentionally or out of ignorance

السلامُ عليكُم و رحمة الله و بَركاتُه 

There’s a sister who took an oath saying that she wouldn’t watch any movies or TV shows anymore. However at school they have watched movies during school (some were related to the school topic, some were not). The sister didn’t know what to do so she just remained in the classroom while they were watching the movies and watched it with the others…

Is her oath broken? Does she have to expiate for it?

Question about tashahhud

During thashahhud I’ve always been saying:

التَّحِيَّاتُ الْمُبَارَكَاتُ الصَّلَوَاتُ الطَّيِّبَاتُ لِلَّهِ ، السَّلامُ عَلَيْكَ أَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ، السَّلامُ عَلَيْنَا وَعَلَى عِبادِ اللهِ الصَّالِحِينَ أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لَا إِلَهَ إلاّ اللهُ، وَأَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّداً وَرَسُولُ اللهُ

but today i saw in that the soundest version is: 

“At-tahiyyaatu Lillaahi wa’s-salawaatu wa’t-tayyibaat, as-salaamu ‘alayka ayyuha’n-Nabiyyu wa rahmat-Allaahi wa barakaatuhu. As-salaamu ‘alayna wa ‘alaa ‘ibaad-Illaah is-saaliheen. Ash-hadu an laa ilaaha ill-Allaah wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasooluhu ” 

So have I been saying it wrong this entire time? Were my prayers valid? Is it okay to say one of these versions and not just that one?

Watching shows containing kufr

If someone watches fantasy shows containing kufr and haram concepts like Gods, Immortals, etc, and enjoys watching them but they know it’s not true, and they only believe in the oneness of Allah (swt), then is it kufr? If they enjoy watching these shows?

Is this technically allowed

Assalamualaikum and good day,I have (in my opinion) an absurd question. It has something to do with writing.Since I have no idea how to word the question,I’ll give you an example and hopefully you’ll understand.

Idea 1-The perspective of some random resident of Mecca during the conquest of Mecca

Idea 2-Perspective of some historical before they die(for example,firaun)

Now you might think the answer is like really obvious but eh.To be honest,I felt shy to even post this question since it felt absolutely stupid

To fast or not with Gilbert’s syndrome

السلامُ عليكُم و رحمة الله و بَركاتُه
I have Gilbert’s syndrome, it’s a syndrome that makes me have high bilirubin levels. It’s a lifelong condition and it’s genetic, therefore there’s no cure for it. My previous doctor has been telling me to not fast and to eat regularly and to not have long pauses.

Recently I went to my new doctor(I switched my doctors, but not because my previous one was bad or something) and she told me to follow the advice of my previous doctor.

I am still unsure as to what might happen if i fast and if it can be dangerous. It was said that it’s harmless, but then people also tell me it’s dangerous and can damage my liver.

What do I do in regards to this? Do I fast or do I leave it?

How to begin again, a new chance to get back to God.


I have a few questions;

  • When is the best time to read Quran?

Second – I did istikhara ( asking God about something) I got clear answers but how do I begin to solve the result?

The result showed the following ayat in sura “Al-Furqan”.

25: 17 – وَيَوْمَ يَحْشُرُهُمْ وَمَا يَعْبُدُونَ مِن دُونِ ٱللَّهِ فَيَقُولُ ءَأَنتُمْ أَضْلَلْتُمْ عِبَادِى هَـٰٓؤُلَآءِ أَمْ هُمْ ضَلُّوا۟ ٱلسَّبِيلَ ١٧

in English – ˹Watch for˺ the Day He will gather them along with what they used to worship besides Allah, and ask ˹the objects of worship˺,1 “Was it you who misled these servants of Mine, or did they stray from the Way ˹on their own˺?”.

This one hit me – because I’m misled or misguided right now. And also I kinda lost my way, and want to get back. ( How to come back to God??)

25: 23 – وَقَدِمْنَآ إِلَىٰ مَا عَمِلُوا۟ مِنْ عَمَلٍۢ فَجَعَلْنَـٰهُ هَبَآءًۭ مَّنثُورًا ٢٣

In English – Then We will turn to whatever ˹good˺ deeds they did, reducing them to scattered dust.

This one hit me too; I mean I kinda feel that I lost all the Good deeds that I did in the past, so I have this year to fix it, I hope I got on time and it’s not to late to come back to God. ( How to make Good Deeds that God will accept?)

25: 30 وَقَالَ ٱلرَّسُولُ يَـٰرَبِّ إِنَّ قَوْمِى ٱتَّخَذُوا۟ هَـٰذَا ٱلْقُرْءَانَ مَهْجُورًۭا

In English – The Messenger has cried, “O my Lord! My people have indeed received this Quran with neglect.”

This is the biggest hit, I used to read it in the past, but now I don’t. So I really don’t want it to continue. I want to read the Quran with tajwid or tartil at home, is that possible? Even if I only have 30 min a day?

I’m not used to posting those things online because they are private but God also told me to seek help from others, from those who have the knowledge. So please feel free to Guide me. I’m turning 26, this year 2023. I want to fix myself.

Best regards Fatima.

Buying Pirated Game Consoles

Most of the game consoles being sold here are pirated version due to it being locked away in regions and not being sold the original. I would like to ask if it’s okay to buy a pirated console game because of this issue. I am unsure, this is a link to islamqa answer that might be somewhat related.

How to fix missed prayers

I’m 25. I have a really weak Islamic background but I worked on it this year. But I have one problem left. That is how to fix my missed prayers. 
Is it right to count them out and then pray them, or what does God say about this topic/problem?
What does God say about missed prayers? How to fix this? I want actual and practical solutions. It’s new year in a couple of days. So I hope I get an answer before new year. I’m ready to pray all my missed prayers. 
Please just Guide me. 
Thank you, God bless you. 

Do i have a double personality?

I often go through something that I call ” Double Personality”. Every time I’m alone, with the Quran and my prayer mat. I pray and sit there for hours. Reading the Quran and praying. But every time someone comes in, like a family member, and asks for something or needs my help I get cared away. 
The same thing happens in school, every time I’m alone and it’s calm and quiet, I pray and read Quran a lot. But when someone comes I lose my concentration. Even when I study, if I’m alone I get things done much faster than when someone is around me. 
So What can that be? Do I have a problem or is this normal?
Bless you. 

Muslimah by name

I have a question. But before that, I want to tell. I’m a Muslimah by name only because I have been raised in a European country.  Even though I know some of the practical things that a muslim do but still behind those who really know Islam. 
Things that I do. 
I wear a hijab. I wear Muslim clothes, only my face and hand are shown. I read Quran. But still, something is missing badly. Prayer, prayer for me is the only thing that is coming back and forth, but when I grow up, it vanished. 
So the question is; how to fix missed things like…

  1. Prayer
  2. Fast

I’m 25 years old.