Community Guidelines

Community Guidelines

We hope that you will take advantage of this great tool for the sake of Allah.

Staff reserve the right to ban members who violate community standards. Depending on one’s intentions and the severity of their actions, we will either disable said content, issue a warning, or ban without warning. If you believe there’s been an issue with our judgement, you may contact us by following this LINK, message on the public staff chat, or private message a staff member. 

Our general standards apply everywhere within the platform including member profiles, public & private messages, blogs, postings, and comments. 


All members are welcome to submit blogs! The content you share is up to you as long as it revolves around the Islamic topic. You might decide to inspire us with your thoughts, ideas, poetry, reminders, or educational content. That being said, there are a few simple blog requirements:

community feed

The community feed is open to anything beneficial in regards to Islam. Please avoid posting links and photos without context and do not advertise without permission. If there is a lot on your mind, you can merge everything into 1-2 posts, do not spam the community with countless posts during a short period of time. Genuine differences of opinions within Islam are welcome to be discussed as long as it remains respectful. Rude behavior, free-mixing, and an insistence upon spreading misguidance is not tolerated.  When pasting other people’s work, it’s proper etiquette to leave a reference even if it is a simple link.


Please write a clear title to help others with similar issues find your question. Admins may edit your title to make it more clear if needed. Please do not ask questions with hypothetical scenarios as it is disliked and was not done by the prophet’s companions. If your question is sensitive, perhaps inappropriate for the opposite gender to read, it is better to message an admin of your gender instead. You can reach out to us in the support chatroom. Questions are open for the public to answer while being moderated by admins for authenticity. We do not tolerate members spamming answers carelessly. Please make an effort to double check your information before answering, if you are unsure, then leave it for someone more qualified to answer.


Please make sure to follow the site guidelines above even in private messages. To help protect your fellow members, make sure to report the profiles of those who behave inappropriately or spread misguidance and provide the specific reason. Reported profiles will be investigated.