Keeping arms away from body when prostrating

Is it obligatory to keep the arms away from body when prostrating? Would my prayers be invalid if i don’t do this when prostrating? 

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It's not obligatory but you will be losing rewards of your prayer and it's makruh to place your hands in position of a dog or animal who places his whole forearm and elbow on floor and keeps it close to body with his knees touching his abdomen.

The correct way is to have your elbows and arms wide apart and the elbow and forearms raised up not firmly on ground.... but not too wide that u look like some human spider spreading its arms...and u do this sunnah if u don't pray with women adjacent to u and pray alone...if they are praying with u then u do everything same except u don't spread the arms too wide u bring it closer to Ur torso or that Ur elbows don't hit the woman on Ur side nor annoys them.
Watch the whole video if you have time to learn the prayer as per the correct understanding of Islam and as per sunnah. There's another video by shaykh uthmaan bin farooq as well but you can watch from shaykh assim Al Hakeem too.

If u want to skip to the sujood part and only watch that then skip to 35 mins and start watching from 35th min till 38 or 39.

I would recommend you to watch the whole 1 hr video unless u are too busy which is a legit reason or if you are too lazy or uninterested which is not a genuine reason to it's better to watch completely from beginning till end and then u wouldn't need to ask questions related to how to pray either unless a fiqh opinion based question comes which is a different matter and shouldn't concern you unless you are studying Islam or somehow come across the doubt of it.

و الله اعلم