Walking to the masjid

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Ubayy ibn Ka`b (may Allah be pleased with him) said: There was a man, and I do not know of any man who lived further away from the mosque than he did, but he never missed a prayer. It was said – or I said – to him: “Why don’t you buy a donkey that you can ride when it is dark or when the sand is too hot?” He said: “I would not like my house to be next to the mosque. I want my walking to the mosque and my returning when I come back to my family, to be recorded for me.” The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Allah has gathered all that (reward) for you.”

Narrated by Muslim, 663

Look at this great reward from our generous Lord. The Hadith indicates that the reward is given for the steps taken when returning from the prayer as well as when coming to it. Hence this Companion preferred to walk on foot despite the fact that his house was so far from the mosque.

End Quote: as taken from https://islamqa.info/en/answers/70216/can-you-drive-to-the-mosque-instead-of-walking

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