Why are there false “Islamic” sects?

The cause of difference among sects has to do with fundamental matters of religion and basic issues of Aqeedah. How did this happen?

A lot of sects claim to follow the Quran and Sunnah. They have Quran and hadith texts. However they do not properly follow the Quran and sunnah the way our prophet and the best generations after him (salaf) did. This is where they went wrong.

You see, it’s crucial to read about the early scholars and their understanding and not merely their statements. To read about the salaf’s methadology, the way they handled authentic texts, and their methadology of understanding and treating the sunnah.

The texts can easily be taken out of context, which leads to the different views of sects. You will find that other sects have different tafsirs/explanation of the Quran and hadith and/or may use hadiths that are fabricated or untrustworthy.

There are sects that believe that the later generations of muslims are more knowledgeable and wiser than the early generations (salaf). This is wrong, for one, our prophet SAW mentioned that the best generation are the ones closest to him. And it only makes sense that those closer to the prophet, who delivered the message of Islam, are going to be more knowledgeable and wiser when it comes to the religion. They might not be more knowledgeable when it comes to science or math, but they are more knowledgeable when it comes to religion.

When we arent following the methodology of the salaf then what are we forced to follow, especially when things arent clear in islam, such as Allah’s names and attributes which the Salaf did not go into detail about (and we arent supposed to. we are supposed to take Allah’s name’s as is without imagining them or asking how they are)?

Then, if we arent following the salaf’s methodology, we follow our own methadology, with our lesser knowledge and wisdom. We follow our own methodology thinking we are more advanced and capable.

What does following our own methodology lead to? Lets take a look at what scholars call ‘ilmul kalam’, which is scholastic philosophy/theology. Ilmul kalam is dangerous because all they do is basically create new ideas, overcomplicate older ones, present hypothetical situations, that confuse people and lead to doubt. An example of an idea they’ve overcomplicated is “how do we know we exist”. Abu Hanifa RA called people that dive into ilum kalam retarded, and indeed they are, because only a retarded individual would be eager to confuse her/himself. Muslim scholars who dive into ilmul kalam end up following their own intellect over revelation (which is wrong because we have limited knowledge therefor our logic is also limited. Things we may find logical may in reality be illogical. Thus we rely on divine revelation sourced back to the all-knowing Allah). They end up developing their own “islamic” principles. For example, if there are hadiths that go against their “logic”, they will claim that those hadiths are fabricated even if they are actually authentic. Or they might twist their meanings to suit their views. An example is the new Quranist sect which went as far as to discard hadith completely with the claim that hadith cannot be trusted period. And this all started because of doubts they came up with and pursued. And because hadith is important to the Quranic tafsir, their tafsir is different, leading to further deviation. You will find that all deviant sects have taken the path of ilmul kalam, some more than others. 

There are cases where Muslim scholars dive so deeply into ilmul kalam and after hitting a dead end, they realize they were following falsehood. Thus, they return back to the simple straightforward path of the salaf. Those that dive deeply into ilmul kalam have a higher chance of leaving it than those who enter it partially. Sometimes you need to hit a dead end to realize you were wrong. Abdul Ma’ali al Juwayni was a leading scholar of ilum al kalam and was an expert in fiqh, he ended up regretting and leaving ilmul kalam before he died and denounced some of his teachings in aqeedah that contradicted the methodology of the prophet and salaf. And he went back to following their ways. He said “… if i had know where it (ilmul kalam) would take me, i would not have occupied myself with it… I witness that i refute any distortions that do not comply with explicit and implicit attitudes of the righteous predecessors, that are direct in faith and of simple old religion

My brothers and sisters, our prophet SAW drew a straight line on the ground and other lines that weren’t straight. He said that all the lines were misguided but the one straight line. In another hadith he specified that his path was the path that he and his companions are on. In another hadith he mentioned that the saved sect was the ‘jamaa’ah’ which means the main body of Muslims/the majority belief.

The path of ahlul sunnah wal-jama’ah is this path. Observe the methodology of our scholars- they do not create their own interpretations, nor rely on fabricated/weak hadith, they do not believe in secret meanings that only “special” people can know, they dont follow things that the prophet and his companions never followed, it is a straight-forward methodology that relies on clear proof. They follow the Quran and Sunnah, the way the prophet and his companions did. The correct aqeedah is simple and clear, truly like a straight path, while deviant ones are complicated and messy.

So strive to seek correct Islamic knowledge and do not be like those who followed their parents blindly in verse [2:170]:

When it is said to them, “Follow what Allah has revealed,” they reply, “No! We ˹only˺ follow what we found our forefathers practicing.” ˹Would they still do so,˺ even if their forefathers had ˹absolutely˺ no understanding or guidance?

Never be arrogant to think that you wont ever stray from the truth and make constant dua for Allah to guide you and do your part by seeking knowledge sincerely and obey and fear Allah.

I hope youve found this blog beneficial. I will make it a series link related blogs here.

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Hadith references:

Prophet Muhammad SAW said: The best people are those of my generation, then those who come after them, then those who come after them… [sahih bukhari 6065, sahih muslim 2533]

The Messenger of Allah,SAW, drew a line in the sand with his hand and he said, “This is the straight path of Allah.” Then, the Prophet drew lines to the right and left, and he said, “These are other paths, and there is no path among them but that a devil is upon it calling to its way.” Then the Prophet recited the verse, “Verily, this is the straight path, so follow it and do not follow other ways.” (6:153) [sahih Ahmad 4423]

Prophet Muhammad SAW said: “My ummah will split into seventy-three sects, all of whom will be in Hell except one group.” They said: Who are they, O Messenger of Allaah? He said: “(Those who follow) that which I and my companions follow.” [hasan tirmidhi 2641]

The Messenger of Allaah SAW stood among us and said: “Those who came before you of the people of the Book split into seventy-two sects, and this ummah will split into seventy-three: seventy-two in Hell and one in Paradise, and that is the jamaa’ah (main body of Muslims).” [sahih abu dawood 4597]

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The two hadiths cited about one group of muslims getting into Paradise are considered weak, it’d be better to find stronger ones to help back up your claims
1 year ago
One is hasan which is still good especially because there are other supporting proof, the other is strong.

Allah said in the Quran:
*“Indeed, those who have divided their religion and become sects - you, [O Muḥammad], are not [associated] with them in anything. Their affair is only [left] to Allāh; then He will inform them about what they used to do.”*[Quran 6:159]

Other than there being strong evidence that only one path can be correct- which can only be the original path that our prophet SAW taught- it is also very logical that there only be one correct path. Im not talking about mathhabs which slightly differ in fiqh/law matters but aqeedah which is the foundation of religion. A house can only be built on one foundation. One aqeedah contradicts another aqeedah so how can they all be correct? Each aqeedah, although all sects use the name islam, are really just whole other religions. Each one understands who God is and what He taught differently. Thats a whole other religion. Allah said that He only accepts one religion, Islam, so how can He accept different sects which are basically other religions? How can He accept sects who broke off from the main body due to arrogance, choosing their own desires and philosophy over Allah’s wisdom? Allah has the right to be understood and worshipped as He taught us. The makkan pagans believed in Allah and worshipped Him but while doing shirk, which many sects also commit (some blatantly, some not as), yet Allah labelled them as deviants. It is the duty upon everyone not to blindly follow their parents, to be very careful how we understand Allah’s religion especially the foundations/aqeedah.