A Miracle of Islam is that it is Universal

It really is a deception that liberal ideas are superior, new ideas do not necessitate that they are better. Outwardly, they might seem to work for western society but that is because they were made to fit the wealthy. As muslims, we know that Allah sent Islam as a mercy, its laws are there to protect us from physical, mental, and spiritual harms and can be implemented universally. Anyone, whether wealthy/poor, healthy/has a disability, happy/depressed, can follow and benefit from Islam. Alhamdullilah! Lets compare some liberal ideas with Islamic teachings:


Capitalism can never be universal because a major part of it is for the rich countries to exploit weaker ones in order to become even wealthier. They take their wealth, resources, and create crisis to leave them forever dependent on help. 

One way to control others and reap their resources is by placing them in debt. Islam has many principles that protect us from debt such as by forbidding interest and by teaching us not to take loans unless for essential needs such as food, shelter, and health. It teaches us to be self-reliant, during the prophet’s time, some took it as far as if they were riding an animal and dropped an item, they would get down and retrieve it rather than ask others to hand it to them. Islam also teaches us to engage in hobbies that would benefit us in this world and the after. For males especially, since they are the ones who fight, useful hobbies include archery, horseback riding, and wrestling. When it comes to societal issues like homelessness and orphans, we have obligatory charity/zakat. Zakat also helps the economy by keeping money in circulation, instead of allowing the rich to hoard it.
Islam teaches us that muslim countries should be self-reliant in their strength, economy, in solving problems, and so on. This is the true and just strength that all leaders should strive for.


Homosexuality is a major sin because of how poisonous it is to the spiritual, mental, and physical aspects of society. It has opened a door to the destruction of morality and the endless pursuit of desires, treading a downhill path. But lets talk about a problem that even non-muslims cannot deny, that is that homosexuality leads to diseases. They will say that the solution lies in wearing protection, but they’ve failed to consider the less wealthy countries that do not have much resources, and therefor these diseases spread and cause havoc. 


Feminists promote unrestricted abortion because they see it as the right of women. In some cultures such as within India and China, there are high rates of abortion regarding girls because they view them as a burden. Some might argue that aborting these girls is better than keeping them alive just to be unwanted and possibly abused. We find here a major contradiction, by supporting unrestricted abortion, feminists enable the continued derogatory mindset towards females.
Islam gives us a universal solution to abortion. We all know that running from consequences leads to worse problems. Islam teaches us to take accountability of our actions. When we safegaurd ourselves from adultery, we protect ourselves from unwanted pregnancies. We cannot cause a baby to form and then kill it because we dont want it. They will use rape victims as an excuse to permit unrestricted abortion despite the majority of those who have abortions do so to sustain their lustful lifestyles. Islam is realistic, it places a ban on abortion but when an urgent need for it arises, such as when being pregnant harms the mother’s body or for victims of rape, abortion can be allowed out of necessity, before the soul is breathed into the fetus. 


Quick disclaimer that theres nothing wrong with preferring not to eat meat, but its wrong to say that humans shouldn’t consume meat as Allah made it permissible for us.
In some areas vegetables are hard to get and cannot be relied upon for food. It can be too expensive or a land may suffer from poor growing conditions. For example, natives in the icy regions of Canada cannot grow vegetables and cannot rely on buying them either as shipping costs and the social injustice they face lead to raised prices. They rely on fish as their main source of food.
The vegetarian/vegan movement grew in western societies because of their unjust treatment towards animals, the solution is not to forbid consuming meat, rather to slaughter humanely and sustainably. Islam teaches us the best and most humane method to raising and slaughtering animals.

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