Would such a man be considered a dayooth?

A sister is curious to know. If a man has sisters that wear makeup and henna outside their homes and he has adviced them, is he a dayooth if they don’t listen?

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He not only should advise but complain to his parents too. And he should still take all the means to stop her indirectly from doing haraam things. For example, he tells her I'm not going to drop you off at the café if you are going to mix with men, tell papa or mummy they will take you, but I'm not!
A man can't force his sister, because he isn't a guardian of her, but the father and husband can force their daughters or wives, this is why a brother can't do much but he should still do everything that he can in his ability to stop fitnah.

If the sister dons a make up with some revealing or adorned clothes that ask for attention and are traits of women who are immodest shameless wanton attention seekers, and those women who lie and say it's for their own confidence and self love...then the brother should firstly hate it in his heart and shouldn't encourage her in going out like that and shouldn't help her in doing things that make his sister mix or mingle with namahram men, and he should complain about it to his father and mother,

He only has the right of guardianship over her with regard to some of her affairs, such as in the case of marriage, and the rulings that come into effect if there is no one else who has a greater right to guardianship over her. This has to do with the idea of men being in charge of women that is mentioned.

He should continue to advise her, and not despair of her guidance and give her written or oral reminders someway or the other.

He should find a way to introduce her to the good and righteous women of her gender, maybe through his wife or telling her about a website or community like we are in.

He should advise the parents to reach her out, to advise her, to remind her, and to take her by the hand and explain her and stop her from doing such sins.

If she is in haraam relation with a man who is obviously wasting time and isn't serious about marriage he should call that wolf, intimidate him, and threaten him, to stop meeting his sister if it comes to that.

He should try to find a good righteous man for his sister to marry her off, by talking with his parents.

And he should keep praying to Allah Almighty to guide her, and avoid her from these temptations.

الغيْرة من الغرائز البشريّة الّتي أودعها الله في الإنسان تبرز كلّما أحسّ شركة الغير في حقّه بلا اختيار منه، أو يرى المؤمن حرمات الله تنتهك

Having permissible jealousy is a right of a man upon his women folk given by Allah, Allah is more jealous he has more protective jealousy for us, then why shouldn't we have this protective jealousy ? Every nation that didn't have this protective jealousy their women folk were astray and astray women immodest women are the beginning to a worsening society a society filled with fitnah and faahisha. A woman upon goodness and righteousness she is the reason for wellbeing and goodness of society, because this righteous woman will choose to marry a righteous man and she will try her best to upbring her kids upon righteousness. This is why one of the principles of marriages which is forgotten is to have more righteous children...more children who are brought up upon truth and righteousness so that our Muslim ummah increases and on the final hour they can fight against the disbelievers

قال النّبيّ صلى الله عليه وسلم: (أتعجبون من غيْرة سعد؟ لأنا أغير منه، والله أغير منّي) وفي رواية: (إنّه لغيور، وأنا أغير منه، والله أغير منّي)

This hadith explains the protective jealousy of Allah.

And whose over doesn't have jealousy of his family and his mahrams: he is called: “cuckold" amongst the dayyuth.

Even an adult son who reached puberty should have protective jealousy for his mother in the absence of his father he should be the one to protect her and advise her.

و الله اعلم
Wa iyyakum
1 year ago
Hi. I was just scrolling and I would like to remind you on your username. It doesnot reflect goodness.. As Muslims we must be on ur best behavior.
1 year ago