I think Assim Al hakeem might’ve said so but to me that doesn’t make much sense since spoons and forks etc. Are fine to use.
Is using chopsticks imitating the disbelievers?
Published by noName
I think Assim Al hakeem might’ve said so but to me that doesn’t make much sense since spoons and forks etc. Are fine to use.
But chopsticks is not an alternatively worldwide thing. It's only specific to certain ethnicity and certain people who follow certain religion. Only non Muslims who accept Islam can still eat with chopsticks because it is a part of their culture. However this doesn't mean everything that's from culture is permissible for such reverts...for example if it's culture to hug your cousin brother then such culture should be abandoned and rejected...if it's culture to wear skirts and dance in it in public then such culture shud be rejected and abandoned by revert women.
The point is if it leads to haraam then such culture is rejected and shouldn't be followed by reverts either.
Anyway chopsticks isn't something everyone uses and it's limited to kaafir people only in majority..rather internationally forks and spoons are used and just the fingers and hands which in my opinion is the best way to eat, eating from fingers and then licking the remaining food on fingers the barakah is different and the taste is different as well, those who know they know besides it's a sunnah so even better.
I hope you understand why is it imitation of disbelievers. Also why use chopsticks it's just really boring to use it. I learnt the way to use chopsticks when I used to think it makes us look cool as a kid...later realised it was for nothing, most of the people just want to eat with chopsticks to either look cool, or look like Chinese Japanese etc.
If under necessity u use it that's if u are in a Chinese restaurant or some restaurant which only serves chopsticks and not fork or spoon then sure it's permissible to use chopsticks because u have no other way to eat noodles except by chop sticks. So under necessity it's understandable but regularly or preferably it's not permissible.
و الله اعلم