Islam as a new way of life

Islam is a religion of truth. It is a physical manifestation of the moral code imparted to humanity by Allah, the Creator and Lord of the Universe. To eventually develop oneself and maintain fairness and tranquility in human affairs, man need resources to support life and meet the material needs of the individual and society, as well as a grasp of the fundamentals of social and personal behavior. Both have the complete approval of the world’s creator. He has provided all of nature’s resources for man to use in order to meet his material requirements.

Allah, the Creator, Ruler, and Lord of the entire Universe, created man and gave him a temporary abode on the earth, which is part of His vast dominion (the universe). In summary, man has been granted considerable autonomy while being designated by God as the heir to the species that previously inhabited the globe. Before giving man the earth’s heritage, God made it plainly clear to him that He is the one Lord, Ruler, and Deity. The only genuine route for man is to acknowledge Allah as the true Lord, Sustainer, and Deity, and to follow His guidance and directives in all aspects of life.

Man will be judged, and his primary purpose should be to bring Allah pleasure. Any behavior that goes against this would lead men astray. Man will flourish in this world if he chooses the path of piety and holiness. He will be eligible for the heaven of eternal bliss, al-Jannah, in the hereafter.
In the beginning, men believed in God and lived lives of devotion to Him. Later generations, however, deviated from the right path and took other erroneous detours. They rejected the Shari’ah, the God-given standards of social ethics and communal morals, and deprived humanity of peace.

The Qur’an expressly mentions twenty-five prophets sent by God. They all used the same message and advocated for the same way of life. Finally, God exalted Prophet Mohammed and entrusted him with carrying out the mission for which previous prophets had been appointed.

The concept of Iman in Allah is more than just philosophical; it is similar to a contract in which man bargains his life and belongings with Allah in exchange for Paradise in the hereafter. In a way, God buys a believer’s life and assets in exchange for the promise of Paradise after death. Man has not been given all of God’s resources and powers, and he does not have the authority to utilize them as he sees proper. But there is one thing that has been conferred to man and now fully belongs to him: his free will.

a guy who willingly accepts God’s sovereignty and renounces his right to contest it. In other words, he “sells” God his “autonomy,” which is likewise a gift from God and not something that man has merited, in return for God’s assurance of perpetual enjoyment, or Paradise. He is curious as to whether man is prepared to have enough confidence in God to give up his life and wealth in return for a promise made in the future. Whether he loses his head and rebels against his own Creator, or if he is truthful and solid, faithful and obedient to the Lord.

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