The Birth of the Prophet and his Nursing mother

There was a happy mother in a house in Makkah. She was the sweetest and the happiest mother in the world. Her name was Amina. She was the mother of the expected baby. She was glowing from excitement, smiling from ear to ear. He was to be the greatest of all prophets. Everyone in the room gathered around him. All of them were saying the same thing, “What a beautiful baby!”.

The name of the baby’s father was Abdullah. Unfortunately, he died before ever seeing his baby. But his, grandfather was alive. He was strong, lovable, and generous. He was Abdul Muttalib, the chief of Makkah. The neighbors went directly to Abdul Muttalib, “Good news! You have a beautiful grandson! “No baby like him has ever come to this world,” they said. Abdul Muttalib immediately came. back to his home and hugged the baby. He was full of joy. His face was also glowing. He said, “Let his name be Muhammad”. Let my grandson be liked everywhere and praised everywhere! That is why I have given him this name. Take care of him well; the whole world will know him”.

Muhammad’s grandfather sacrificed an animal for him. He invited many people to come and share his joy. It was a huge celebration. Even the poor took part in the festivities. A sweet happiness had spread everywhere. The city of Makkah was brighter than usual because baby Muhammad was there.

Makkah was a crowded city. The babies could not stand the weather there. It was a tradition of the Makkans to give their newborn babies to another mother, known as a nursing mother. The nursing mother would feed and nurse the baby for several months and take care of him in a place with cleaner air Amina and Abdul Muttalib searched for such a nursing mother to hire, so that she could take care of baby Muhammad far away from Makkah. Around that time, some nursing mothers had come to Makkah from the plain of Badiya. The dry, clean air of the desert plain was the best place for the health of a baby. These women were looking for a baby to take care of. They found some babies and returned to their homes in the desert, but Abdul Muttalib could not find any nursing mother. Most of them did not want to take Muhammad because he was without a father; whereas, if they saw him, they would have wanted to take him. It would be impossible for them to go without him.

There was a very young woman who came on the back of her donkey from Badiya. She was wandering on the streets of Makkah with her husband and her camel. Her own baby that she was carrying in her arms was crying. There was not a drop of milk in her breasts because she was hungry and tired. During the trip to Makkah, they had a lot of trouble. Her donkey did not want to walk. The old camel did not give a drop of milk. They had come to Makkah with great difficulty. Now, on the streets of Makkah, she was looking for a baby to nurse. Then the poor nursing mother and the grandfather of a baby without a nursing mother met. Halima smiled. What a wonderful and good-hearted man he was! The old man said, “I have a grandson. Nobody wants to take him because he is fatherless Would you be his nursing mother?” Halima was pleasantly surprised. She did not want to go home empty-handed. She talked to her husband and then accepted the offer. The grandfather took the nursing mother to the baby. Her heart was warm and full of joy and happiness. While the nursing mother, Halima, was staring at baby Muhammad with great admiration, he smiled. Halima took him into her arms and nursed him. What a surprise! How was it possible? Her milk was more than enough for both of the babies. Because of the difficulties she had faced on her way to Makkah before seeing baby Muhammad, she had no milk at all. Amina kissed her baby and smiled upon him. She was happy because she had finally found a nursing mother for him. Now, he was going to grow up well. So, she prepared him for the journey. She gave nice costly gifts to Halima, and then entrusted her baby to her. She knew that Allah, the Almighty, was going to protect her baby. They sent baby Muhammad off with prayers.

Beautiful baby Muhammad was leaving Makkah. The nursing mother and her husband wrapped up the baby and headed toward their home. They were wondering how their journey would be. The distance was long, the donkey was weak, and the camel was without milk. With all of this in mind, they headed out. After a short while, they took a break. In order for infants not to become sick, they had to drink plenty of milk. For this reason, mother Halima had to feed herself properly, but during the trip how could they find milk and other nutrition? Halima would be so happy if the old camel gave some milk. Halima’s husband Harith reached for the udders of the camel. He was going to milk her. He would be pleased even if she gave very little milk. He could not believe his eyes. Milk was dripping from the camel’s udders. He immediately started milking.

The container in his hand was filled to the top and started to overflow. He shouted to his wife with great excitement, “Halima! Halima! This baby you took is a wonderful baby! Look at the milk! It’s unbelievable! This child is bringing us great fortune. He must be blessed!” Halima looked at baby Muhammad with great hope and said, “This is my wish, too.” They drank the camel’s milk until they were full. They strapped C the baby’s back on to the camel and with great hope and joy, they continued on their journey. Once they were on the road, they saw another surprising thing. The same donkey, which had been walking with great difficulty while coming to Makkah, now, as if it were not the same donkey, was strong and was trotting quite fast. He was trying to carry the guest on his back as quickly as possible to the place where they were heading How wonderful it was! In a moment, SO many things had changed. Suddenly, Halima’s milk increased, the old camel began giving milk, and the weak donkey became strong. What did this all mean? Of course, this was all because of the baby Muhammad, who was to become a prophet, although no one knew yet. Halima and her husband arrived at their home without any trouble. Now, baby Muhammad was at Badiya.

Lately, the rain-filled clouds had never come to the plain of Badiya. For a long time, L it had not rained. Because rain meant life, everyone’s eyes were always on the sky, expecting rain. The life of all animals depended on the water. Without rain, they were left hungry, weak and without milk. People also needed the rain in order to eat meat and to drink milk. These were all they had, and without rain, none of it would exist. Children were becoming hungry and their faces were pale like flour. How wonderful life would be if rain came. When everyone had water, everyone would be happy again. The days passed in this hope and expectation, there was just one home that seemed to be different, as if it was from Paradise. It was the new home of baby Muhammad. It was Halima’s home. In this home, as in no other, there was great joy and plenty. While other animals were hungry and could not give a drop of milk, Halima’s animals were full of milk and able to supply it. Her children were different from the others too. While the other children were hungry and pale, hers were well-fed and strong. She knew very well the reason for all of these sudden changes. This baby had brought them blessing and joy.

The other mothers who had chosen not to nurse Muhammad were all puzzled. When they saw Halima’s fat animals, they yelled at their shepherds, “Go and see how Halima’s shepherd fed their animals,” The animals are so full of milk that when they walk, they are unsteady, and milk just drips and drips from them. Even the shepherds were puzzled. Their own animals were eating at the same places but were not well-fed. They went to Halima and asked how this could be possible. In response to hearing this question over and over again, she replied, “I swear that this is not a matter of grazing of the animals. This is simply God’s secret gift. Everything started during our return from Makkah.” They could not make sense out of Halima’s explanation. They left with the same puzzled faces with which they had come.

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