واعلم أن الوجود نوعان:
الأول: وجود ذاتي، بحيث يوصف الشيء بأنه موجود، ولم يوجده أحد، وهذا هو الوجود الذي يوصف الله تعالى به، ولا يكون لأحد سواه.
والنوع الثاني: وجود بغيره، أي أن الشيء موجود، ولكن أوجده غيره، وهذا هو الوجود الذي يوصف به جميع المخلوقات، فالله تعالى هو الخالق وحده، وكل ما سواه مخلوق، وهو الواجد وحده، وكل ما سواه موجود بهذا المعنى.
قال ابن القيم رحمه الله:
“تفرد الحق تعالى بالوجود أزلا وأبداً، وأنه الأول الذي ليس قبله شيء، والآخر الذي ليس بعده شيء، ووجود كل ما سواه قائم به، وأثر صنعه، فوجوده هو الوجود الواجب الحق الثابت لنفسه أزلا وأبدا….. فوجوده تعالى وجود ذاتي…. ليس مع الله موجود بذاته سواه، وكل ما سواه فموجود بإيجاده سبحانه” انتهى بتصرف من “مدارج السالكين” (3/34)
Understand that existence is of two types:
1. Intrinsic existence: This refers to something being described as existing without having been brought into existence by another. This is the type of existence attributed to Allah, the Most High, and it applies to no one else.
2. Contingent existence: This refers to something existing because it was brought into existence by another. This type of existence is attributed to all created beings. Allah, the Most High, is the sole Creator, and everything else is a creation of His. He alone is the Self-Existent (Al-Wājid), while everything else is “existent” in this second sense.
Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
“The Truth, the Most High, is unique in His eternal existence, both pre-eternally and everlastingly. He is the First, before whom there is nothing, and the Last, after whom there is nothing. The existence of everything else depends on Him and is an effect of His creative act. Thus, His existence is the necessary, true, and intrinsic existence, eternal and perpetual. … His existence is intrinsic, while nothing besides Him exists intrinsically. Everything else exists only through His will and power.”
(- “Madarij al-Salikin,” 3/34.)
Allah, the Most High, is the First, before whom there was nothing, and He is above His Throne, distinct from His creation. As the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said:
“O Allah, You are the First, and there is nothing before You. You are the Last, and there is nothing after You. You are the Most High, and there is nothing above You. You are the Most Near, and there is nothing beyond You. Settle our debts for us and enrich us from poverty” (Sahih Muslim, 2713).
The next time some atheist says god cant exist and if he does he has to have a creator or to be preceded by something… Tell him this. The fact that Allah is a true diety separates him from humane abilities and powers. What makes him unique in everything and incomparable is a testament to that, hence, since this is true, its also true that he existed always, unlike humans or any other creations. His existence is a necessary one where all other creations rely on Him, and He relies on none, His existence doesn’t have to be proven by another creator, that nullifies the definition and trait of a true Diety and let’s assume everything has a creator including a God audhubillah, then that would be absurd, that would mean there are several Gods which is absurd as true god can’t be multiple there cant be multiple leaders of a ship, secondly if every god keeps having a creator then where does it begin, where did it all begin? Its absurd hence its a logical flaw which cant be accepted… there wont be an end if creators keep preceding creation.. And this makes no sense… There has to be an absolute power and existence of True diety that created everything, that is the sole reason for all the events that’s occured so far. A starting point has to be there with no contingent existence.
و الله اعلم