Welcome !

Salamalaikum, welcome to UC’s community page, a great place to share Islamic content in an environment that is moderated for authenticity! Please continue reading for a quick guide.

Please start off by reading our important Community Guidelines! Keep in mind that public spaces must remain formal and on-topic to avoid free-mixing. Public spaces are a great way to learn, while the private chats are the place to make friends with your respected gender.

Guess what! We’re on the Appstore and Playstore!

Make sure you download today and leave a great review to help bring in other Muslims! Spread the benefit, share our platform with friends and family!

**Sisters-only & brothers-only posts**
We recently introduced this amazing feature where you can submit posts that only others of the same gender can read! The public community feed should be kept strictly Islamic, while the gendered categories leave room for less formal postings or questions that you would prefer answered by the same gender. Sounds fun!

Get to know and support each-other! You can access the chatrooms of your appropriate gender through the left widget (desktop) and sidebar menu (mobile). If you are not able to access these chats or message others in general, please send a quick message in the [support chat](https://ummahconnects.com/supportchat/). The support chat is great for whenever you may have any questions/concerns for our admins.

Do you have a question or need advice? Make sure to categorize your post correctly to help future members find and benefit from your question more easily. If you would like to help other Muslims, please make sure not to answer questions you aren’t sure of. Do read our community guidelines for more details.

Enjoy reading inspirational blogs by community members or submit your own! Blogs must be your original content with authentic info, you can find more details in our guidelines.

**Lets get started!**
Some community post ideas include:
⚜️ Introduce yourself! (What are your religious goals, what are you enjoying about UC so far…)
⚜️ Ask for or share advice
⚜️ Share beneficial quotes
⚜️ Start your own discussions
⚜️ Participate in or host challenges/quizzes/surveys
⚜️ Share your favorite videos (lectures, recitations…)
⚜️ Share great articles
⚜️ News related to the ummah
⚜️ Islamic photos (calligraphy…)

A platform for Muslims, by Muslims.
Connect & grow with Muslims around the world
hi there, app not found on Playstore
10 hours ago