30 Days Challenge: Tasks

السلامُ عليكُم و رحمة الله و بَركاتُه
The Challenge will start/ or already has started (depending on whether it is already the 1st January for you or not) and I will announce the tasks I came up with for the 30 days Challenge.

Before that I’d mention some things.

Reward: it is not clear yet whether there will be a reward for this challenge since it should be done with the intention of increasing one’s Imaan and not solely for the purpose of receiving the reward. Though, it will be announced whether there’ll be one or not soon, In shaa Allāh!

You may choose any difficulty level, depending on how strong u think ur imaan is right now. You may also choose a different one if you think that the one u chose is too hard/too easy.

Unfortunately, I didn’t have the time to create task sheets but I will try to quickly create a template which we can use to track our progress 🙂

The tasks:

•10x SubhanAllah, 10x Alḥamdullilah, 10x Allahuakbar after each prayer

•10x SubhanAllah, 10x Alḥamdullilah, 10x Allahuakbar before sleeping

•Sending salawat 1x after each prayer

•sending Salawat 1x before sleeping

•at least 1 morning adhkaar after fajr
•at least 1 evening adhkaar after asr
•15x every Friday

•listen to Quran for at least 10min daily
•memorize 1 ayat of a surah of your liking every week
•Read Quran for 10 min every day(preferably Read the mushaf, if you cannot read arabic read the tafsir) and look into its context

Sunnah Prayer:
•pray tahajjud prayer 1x per week

Fasting: (If possible)
•Make up your missed fasts
•if you don’t have fasts to make up then try fasting every Monday or thursday

Donation: (if possible)
•donate 1€/1$ once a week

•Read 3 Hadith everyday and choose one you’d like to memorize and look into its context (i.e on Islamqa)
•memorize the Hadith you chose within the 30 days challenge


•30x SubhanAllah, 30x Alḥamdullilah, 33x Allahuakbar after each prayer
•30x SubhanAllah, 30x Alḥamdullilah, 33x Allahuakbar before sleeping
•50x astaghfirullah everyday
•100x SubhanAllahi wa bihamdi, 100x SubhanAllahil ‘azeem everyday

•Sending salawat 3x after each prayer
•sending Salawat 3x before sleeping
•50x every friday

•at least 3 morning adhkaar after fajr
•at least 3 evening adhkaar after ‘asr

•listen to Quran for at least 30min daily
•memorize one ayat of a surah of your liking every day
•Read Quran for 30 min every day(preferably Read the mushaf, if you cannot read arabic read the tafsir)and look into its context

Sunnah Prayer:
•pray tahajjud prayer 3x per week
•Pray witr (as many rakah as you like)

Fasting: (If possible)
•Make up your missed fasts
•if you don’t have fasts to make up then try fasting every Monday and thursday

•Read at least 5 hadith everyday and choose one you’d like to memorize and look into its context (i.e on Islamqa)
•memorize the chosen hadith within 1½ week


•30x SubhanAllah, 30x Alḥamdullilah, 33x Allahuakbar after each prayer, everyday
•100x astaghfirullah every day
•100x SubhanAllahi wa bihamdi, 100x SubhanAllahil ‘azeem
•100x astaghfirullahq
•30x SubhanAllah, 30x Alḥamdullilah, 33x Allahuakbar, 30x astaghfirullah, 30x SubhanAllahi wa bihamdi, 30x SubhanAllahil ‘azeem before sleeping

•Send salawat 100x a day
•200x every Friday

•at least 5 morning adhkaar after fajr
•at least 5 evening adhkaar after ‘asr

•listen to Quran for 60min everyday
•recite the 3 quls before sleeping
•recite Ayatul kursi after each prayer, everyday
•read Quran for at least 30min everyday (preferably Read the mushaf, if you cannot read arabic read the tafsir) and look into its context
•memorize one ayat of a surah of your liking everyday

Sunnah Prayer:
•pray tahajjud every day
•pray witr every day

•make up ur missed fasts or if u don’t have any fasts to make up then
fast every Monday and thursday

•donate 1€/1$ every day

•read at least 10 Hadith every day and choose 2 or 3 to memorize and look into its context (i.e on Islamqa)
•memorize the 3 chosen hadith within the 30 days challenge

Start of the Challenge: 1st January 2023

End of the Challenge: 30th January 2023

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