Hadith on etiquette with friends

I’m sure everyone has had an experience where they were with a group of friends and some of them step away, whisper, or make secretive signals to each-other. You might have felt excluded, unimportant, or assumed they were talking bad about you. Allah sent down Islam which takes into account even small matters like this.

The proper etiquette regarding companionship:

Abdullah ibn Mas’ud reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “If there are three of you, do not let two privately converse to the exclusion of the other.”

In another narration, the Prophet said, “Do not let two privately converse to the exclusion of one, for that will hurt a believer and Allah Almighty hates for a believer to be hurt.”

[Sahih Tirmidhi 2825]

A large portion of Islamic teachings focus on bringing society together, because unity is strength. Hadiths like these train us to be aware of how our actions, no matter the intentions, effect others. Many times when we exclude others we dont actually intend to hurt them, but we very well could be. We dont know what they’re going through, we might unintentionally cause them to feel less-trusting of others. As muslims we should do our parts to strengthen the trust, courage, motivation of the ummah starting with those around us so its good to have this awareness.

When it comes to this specific situation, a good way to avoid it is by telling your friend the secretive matter another time when you are actually alone. Maybe its inconvenient but do it for the sake of Allah and you will be rewarded. Until then, enjoy the time you have with all your friends.

Extra thought:

Allah is protective of His servants and blocks fitnah from all angles such as by teaching us to assume good in others while also teaching us to be careful not to appear like we’re talking bad about others. Or by having men lower their gaze while women observe the hijab. And many more.

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